Hello, I am trying to decide whether to upgrade my plan, but am concerned about API/service outages. On multiple occasions, I have tested API calls with a testing signature generated in my dashboard, using the provided Postman collection, only to receive a 500-level HTTP response code and an HTML page saying "Something went wrong on our part..."
The first time this occurred was with the [GET] files/list endpoint. I tried again the next day and it worked fine. The second time I encountered this was just now, with the [POST] files/create endpoint. These incidents are one week apart, both occurring in the early morning hours in my local time (America/New_York). It almost feels as though there has been some kind of scheduled but unannounced downtime/maintenance window, but I don't know if that would make me feel much better than if this were a random failure. Both are concerning. Hopefully you can enlighten me!