Media Asset Management (MAM)

A Media Asset Management or MAM system provides a desktop look a like structure for uploading, storing, processing and delivering your media content. Publitio provides simple way to structure your content via folder and sub-folder structure. You can manage your image and video content with few clicks.

The core of Publitio is Media Files section that gives you full control of your content.

You can Upload, Edit, Share or delete your cloud storage content right out of Media Files section.

Uploading Media Files

Publitio allows you to upload your media files, at this moment we support Video and Image type files, but we are working on expanding support for documents and for audio files. They should be available in Q3 2019. 

Maximum file size that we allow is 5GB 

Supported formats:

Images jpg, jpeg, jpe, png, gif, bmp, psd, webp, ai, tif and tiff

Videos mp4, webm, ogv, avi, mov, flv, 3gp, 3g2, wmv, mpeg and mkv

Folder Support

Publitio allows folder creation in order for better organization for your web or mobile apps, Folders can be created on root level or as subfolders. To take an example if we have a project called Publitio we would name folder Publitio and for each user that we have on our website, we would create subfolder with a username of that user and that structure we could expand in 2 more folders like Videos and Images. In an Image bellow, you can see breadcrumbs with a structure that shows folder structure MyMediaAssetManagement that has subfolder Publitio > Nitro (user) and subfolders for Videos, Images, Documents and Audio content (Audio and Document support will come on Q3 2019)

Publitio Media Asset Management Video Tutorial