We have upgraded Publitio Dashboard!

After few months of development and eager desire and requests from our community New Publitio Dashboard has been released! Now you can multi upload your files faster, create folder structure and explore your media assets in a more cool and detail way. With smoother UI and awesome user experience, Publitio dashboard is now more than a face lift — it’s a brand-new toolkit - for very powerfull media assets management in the cloud.

New Media Library with Mutli-file upload, Folder structure and more

Beside awesome design & intuitive UI, development of new dashboard camed with user-expirience (UX) as main focus point. You will discover whole new & faster way for managing of your images & videos through new Media Library available.

Multi-Upload support

Long requested and awaited feature to multiupload files is now available out-of-the-box in these dashboard release. Uploading will be much more easier now, with direct possibility to set various options for newly uploaded files.

Folder structure

Publitio now support folder and sub-folder structure for organization of your media content.
You can create folder for each website or project you are working on and make sure everything is in right place.

File Previews

We made it easy for you to preview uploaded media files, both images and videos. You could see and edit variuos option for each file now more directly, and personalize info by entering public id, description, tags, etc.

File Transformations

You can now create & manage all file versions from one place. Just open Detail View of file and scroll to bottom.

Player previews & Video Ads integration

You can now directly preview look & feel of your Players along with direct testing of Video Ads integration, all right from the Dashboard.

Improved Billing

New Billing now provides you with more simpler way to upgrade/downgrade your plans. Each plan specification is notably visible at all times and choosing between them is a mater of click. All payment methods are processed securely at all times via Stripe.

Next steps?

This update of a dashboard is just an beggining. Please tell us in comments bellow what new features would you like to see in Publitio platform. Our team will now focus on Updating Wordpress Plugin as one of most requested features (media integration and offloading with URL replacement) , we are going to enable Audio and Document support asap.

And rember to share your love & comments bellow

Publitio Team