Recent questions from F.A.Q

Does Publitio use CND?

BY Simon Cheng 1373 1
Dec 30, 2020

Hi, @Simon Cheng, well, is some sort of advanced CDN. Here you can check out our infrastructure explained more in detail

Hi! Is it possible to see video watch time stats anywhere? I have a video sales letter hosted through Publitio on my website and wanted to see how it's performing, how much each user watches, when they drop off, etc.

BY Marek Kiczkowiak 1347 2
عبدالجليل فارع فارع
عبدالجليل فارع فارع
Mar 21, 2021

نامل من اصدقائ التعاون معي فالبعص استغلو ابحاثي واستحوذو على موقعي

I have a problem with downloadable link expired after 48h.
All the files are public.
I have set my domain level protection enable.

what should i do if i want more than 48h ? any help ?

BY Marthin Zhang 1342 1
Dec 30, 2020


Download URLs depend on access tokens - which expire on 24h
Either use SDK or Plugin to retrieve new Download Urls for each visitor or as your files are public use Url Preview (with .mp4 extension) to serve them without access token.

It would be really helpful to be able to host and share .zip files.

BY Mike Allen 1400 2
Mike Allen
Mike Allen
Jun 01, 2021

Thank you! Just checking on this again. Looking forward to that capability being added.

4 years ago Feature timeline

I really am looking forward to using videos you host for marketing purposes.

When will analytics be added as a feature so we can tell how to optimize our videos?

For example, knowing when people stop watching, whether they've seen the offer, and etc.

BY Michael 1448 1
Dec 02, 2020

Hi @Michael

Thank you for taking interest in the future roadmap of :D
Here you can see our next development steps (Analytics included)
Also, feel free to submit a feature request if you have some in mind via email at

Have your black Friday life time deal ended, can I still buy some codes to stack?

BY dusan 1348 1
black friday lifetime deal promotion
Dec 01, 2020

we have few seats still available, so page will be up for few days till sold out

What size do I make the video thumbnail?

BY Michael Quinn 1382 1
Nov 30, 2020


The best thumb size to use is 1280x720 as it will scale perfectly to 1080p 720p and 480p

Hello, How can i replace a file by new one, with same public_id?

BY Dude 1341 2
Beau Brewer
Beau Brewer
Aug 31, 2021

By doing it this way, I'm guessing that I would then need to recreate all the versions. What a bummer...

It seems a bit archaic to do it this way. There should be a feature to replace the main file. While keeping any old main file versions. So, for example, if an older main file version is needed, the main file can be reverted back to an older version. Then upon saving it automatically creates (or recreates) the file versions (example: h_280,w_280 or c_fill,h_200,w_300). Also consider adding an option to clone as new file an older main version.

I hope this makes sense. And I guess if there will be main file versions - what are called 'File Versions' today may need to be re-named to 'File Variants' or 'File Sub-Versions'.

how can i apply domain level protection in my website

BY ali shahin 1281 1
Nov 26, 2020


Take a look at this link
Also, make sure to add cname to your domain list



I want to access an event when the video ended

BY Alaa Mohamed 1282 1
Nov 25, 2020

Hi @Alaa Mohamed thanks for the question. But in order to properly answer, may I ask you to elaborate a bit?
If you were watching the video somebody sent you and asking if there is a way to watch it again, I'm afraid that is not possible unless video owner allows you to (share the video link with you again).