Recent questions from F.A.Q

how do I verify that watermarking is complete via API?

BY Blache 927 1
Feb 20, 2023

Hi. You will see watermark on a video or image. Watermarks are best applied during upload of a video. You can apply/change them later via Edit file option, but you will need to re-convert video versions in order to show updated watermark.

I tried using the postman docs to upload a watermark and I keep getting this error

'success': False, 'code': 400, 'error': 'message': 'Please include file in your request'

BY Perfection Loveday 941 1
upload file watermark error
Feb 20, 2023

Hi. In Postman, on Body part of request, please include one var of type FILE and Select image to be uploaded as watermark

When does the link expire?

BY Nekem Hímezz 876 2
Luke Allen
Luke Allen
Apr 13, 2023

"Please use sdk/plugin for auto generation of fresh links/embeds with new access tokens." It would be great to get some sort of tutorial or more info on this. As a non developer, I have no idea how to achieve this!

turn off download option

BY Pankaj Bastawdekar 1189 1

I have turned off Allow Download via player but the video is still downloading.
I have Domain level protection installed but the video is still uploaded on another platform

BY phuc hoang 1088 1
Oct 11, 2022

Hello Phuc,

Are you using Publitio with wordpress? Do you use our plugins or do you use direct video URLs?
HLS encryption will block any attempt to download a video via third party software especially with the HLS Enhanced protection turned on, so please try that. Keep in mind that using HLS will disable direct file links for your videos.

we are really need a password and ip show on a video features will it be in next version ?

BY COMBO courses 1103 1
Sep 28, 2022

Password protection is on our todo list, but I am not sure what do you mean by "ip show" can you please explain?

1 year ago next version

when will be the launch of the next version ?

BY COMBO courses 977 1
Popovic Nevena
Popovic Nevena
Sep 28, 2022


at the moment we don't have an exact ETA, but it will be very soon as we are in the final stages of development.

I want to embed a video on our website, but I only want people that have a password to be able to view it. Is there a way to do this with the premium version of the plan?

BY Birthing of Giants 1030 1
Sep 07, 2022

Not yet, but we will see to roll out this feature with next product update.

Hello, how long does it usually takes to provision video settings from privat to public? I have embedded videos and forgot to change settings from privat to public, and now changed all of them to public but it's been like 30min and whenever I try to open them on the website it still says "this video is private"?

BY Paul Zheltovskyi 1030 1
Sep 07, 2022

Paul, local cache on server is cleared in max 30 minutes, so any changes made will be propagated across all our servers in maximum 30 minutes time. Double check your end like wp caching plugins - as this is something we don't have control over,

i want to resize or change player play button icon if anyone know how can i then kindly let me

BY OMSG Films & Movies Channel 1081 1
Sep 07, 2022

Maybe one way would be to edit css on your site and to target publitio player play button style and to override it with !important on your css side.
btw if you hide control bar there will be only play/pause button on the player.